Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Istanbul: Not Just a City

Chapter 3, Pt. 2 is up over at JSR! What's cool, I have a pretty good idea of how the next part goes too. Yay! Actually the next part, i've known fairly well how it was going to go this whole time. the hard part was getting from the end of the last chapter to this point. Cuz, though the last line of Chapter 2 makes a great hook. When i wrote it, I had no idea what the motivation was, or even who the nefarious scoundrels who would do such a thing were! I kept on trying to come up with ideas, terrrorists, flux huggers, government conspiracy, but none of them were really fitting the bill. But then, about a week and a half ago, after six months in remission, I had a blinding flash of insight (i'm still seeing spots from that!). An underground criminal organization! hehe. of course, it's still very nebulous to me, but, I have the important part down. the rest is just getting there and filling in the details ^^




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