Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Fun Times

For those of you who do not know, I joined the ranks of the unemployed Thursday, June 8th. So, I have had one thing that I haven't had in years, in plentiful supply this past week, time.

Thursday, the day I was fired, I went home and finished filling out a couple of applications I had picked up the day before and talked to various people, family and friends and let them know the news. I went through for a few hours. Took a swim in the pool. Did cleaning around the house, washed dishes for my sister, organized my desk and did various other things.

Friday, I turned in said applications, did more online job surfing (which activities are standard every day events, so I'm going to stop mentioning it now). Cleaned out my car. Mowed the parents lawn. Went out with mum, pop, sis and our former across the street neighbors.

Saturday, I had softball practice for a couple hours in the morning. Then went to my Grandma's (Dad's side) old farm and helped mow the lawn and do a few miscellaneous things. Hung out, ate supper, etc.

Sunday was church, a big shindig kids service with a big carnival outside. Everyone had fun. We rocked out at spanish service with me on the drums.

In short, I had the best weekend i've had in several years! Here's to me gettin a job soon. ^.^ PM

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